Some of these are private events, others open to all. I will give more info about the public events nearer the time. You can always contact me to ask…


Friday 15. 7.30pm Youlgreave, Derbyshire; Fountain View Books in the old YHA building.

Pete Castle tells Derbyshire Songs & Stories: Tickets £10 (inc buffet food) from the cafe/bookshop or by email. Drinks available.

Wednesday 27th 9pm. On Zoom. LET’S GO FOR A WALK:

in the Bedtime Stories slot for The Last Tuesday Society and the Viktor Wynd Museum (It’s not for children and it’s not a Tuesday but still!) in fact it’s billed as a lecture but: “In this programme Pete will tell a selection of stories in which walking is the key to everything else which happens. The stories come from Britain, Europe and North America and cover a range of time from the Ancient Greeks to yesterday. He will also include a few traditional songs. He is spoilt for choice with those because they all seem to start “As I walked out one mid-summer morning…” or “As I was a-walking one morning in May…”

It will be a programme including the light and the dark, the serious and the humorous and a bit of the supernatural.”

All details and booking info on:


Tuesday 3rd. Talk for Chesterfield U3A local history group

In the Chesterfield library lecture theatre. 2pm. Derbyshire Songs & Stories.

Sunday 8th. Unitarian Chapel, Belper.

A concert of Georgian era songs for the Georgian Derbyshire Festival. 7.00 to 8.30pm Tickets £5 (pay on the door)

To reserve seats email: with your name and number of seats needed


Wednesday 15th and 22nd talks for the ‘Never to Late to Learn’ group

at Burton & S.Derbyshire College about what I do – folk songs and storytelling. A mixture of everything.