
All the songs from both the Apples, Cherries, Hops & Women and The Keys of Cnterbury CDs.
Words, music and notes for each song, all in one book.
A4 36 pages – Downloadable PDF



All the songs from both the Apples, Cherries, Hops & Women and The Keys of Cnterbury CDs.
Words, music and notes for each song, all in one book.
A4 36 pages

Price – £2 (Download as a pdf file.)

Pete says: he doesn’t intend to print any more because it is dated and not up to his currrent standards (it was 12 years old!) To upgrade it and add the material from Oyster Girls and Hovelling Boys would mean starting from scratch and he doesn’t think it is worth it.
You can have a pdf file for £2.