
F&F#123 contents include

Without Any Seams or Needlework (on Scarborough Fair) by Pete Castle

Ghosts by the Fireside by Mike O’Connor

A Tribute to/Appreciation of Mary Medlicott by Sally Tonge and Fiona Collins

New Shoes for New Weather, a story by Daniel Cohen

O.B.E. Ordinary But Extraordinary by Ruth Steinberg

Centrefold Story: The Value of Salt, from Rome

How Stories Travel by Pete Castle

Winters Tales: storytelling for winter and the return of spring by Fiona Dowson

The Spiders and the Christmas Tree, a Ukrainian story

Reprint from F&F#82: Charles Dickens, Showman

Merry Christmas—Dickens and Christmas

Backtracking an Audio Book into Storytelling by Mark Binder

Storytelling and Business Techniques by Tony Cranston

Yorkshire Dales Festival of Story

Reviews of:

Bells Across Cardigan Bay by Jan Williams

River Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland by Lisa Schneidau

9 Muses of Queens Crescent: a performance by Claire Muireann Murphy

Medusa: a performance by Gary Cordingley


Plus News, What’s on, An Eye on the Media, Letters etc


F&F aims to cover every aspect of the art of storytelling from straight forward traditional storytelling for entertainment (with both adults and children, at home and abroad) through the uses of stories in education and health; storytelling in personal development and in the world’s various religions, to related art forms like folk ballads, theatre and (occasionally) written stories. Not all aspects will be covered in every edition of course, but they will over a period of time.
Each issue of the magazine is different. Some will have a theme, some will cover a miscellany of topics.
Every edition includes a news and what’s on section; letters; reviews of performances, recordings and books; a look at the media; a selection of stories; and, of course a wide range of articles by many leading storytellers.
Although UK based F&F has subscribers in many parts of the world and often carries articles about telling in distant places.