“This enchanting collection of stories gathers together folk tales from across England in one special volume. Drawn from The History Press’ popular Folk Tales series, herein lies a treasure trove of tales from a wealth of talented storytellers performing in the country today…”
28 stories in a variety of styles illustrating the range of tellers. It included The Gypsy Boy from Pete’s Nottinghamshire Folk Tales book.
Unlike all the others in the series it’s a hard back so it would make a great present.
“This enchanting collection of stories gathers together folk tales from across England in one special volume. Drawn from The History Press’ popular Folk Tales series, herein lies a treasure trove of tales from a wealth of talented storytellers performing in the country today…”
28 stories in a variety of styles illustrating the range of tellers. It included The Gypsy Boy from Pete’s Nottinghamshire Folk Tales book.
Unlike all the others in the series it’s a hard back so it would make a great present.