I had to cancel 3 gigs recently—all for different reasons. In the past I’ve hardly ever had to do that. One was the Zoom ‘Let’s Go For A Walk’ for the Last Tuesday Society but that has been reorganised for 27th February 2024. So that’s not too long to wait. I had a cold and no voice when I was supposed to be doing that one.
And on the subject of Zoom… coming VERY soon is another one in support of FACTS & FICTION:
Friday 24th November. 8pm UK time on Zoom
We have previously done several zoom events in support of Facts & Fiction storytelling magazine with individual guest performers. This time we thought we would make you the guest! So I will tell a few stories and then introduce 4 or 5 tellers ‘from the floor’.
If you would like to tell a tale please buy your ticket and then contact me and tell me. I’ll then attempt to put together a balanced programme—not everyone will get a spot so don’t be disappointed if you miss out this time. If you’d rather just listen, then that is fine. You are very welcome.
Tickets £5 from https://www.musicglue.com/tenterdenfolkfestival/tickets/
(or £10 if there are several of you or you are feeling extra generous!)
To contact Pete to book a spot email him at steel.carpet@tiscali.co.uk
Back in January I did a 12th Night Zoom which went down very well and I was asked by several people to repeat it this year so I will. Slightly adapted…
Details to come later but it will be Friday 5th January 2024